Yesterday was his 4 month check-up. He is 14 lb, 8 oz, right at the 50%. It's hard to believe he had doubled his weight already. He is 25 inches long (50%) and his head circumference is still in the 25%. If I haven't done so previously, I apologize to you, Ethan, for your small and round head. You definitely don't get that trait from your dad.
As most parents do, I was dreading the shots. He got two this time. He cried right before he got stuck and was done crying by the time the nurse was done! When I picked him up to give him a big hug, he was smiling. What a little champ he is! Like last time, he was cranky last night (but certainly better than our previous experience). Best of all, Ethan slept for 8.5 hours straight last night!
Today has been a little rough though. He was running a small fever this morning and his belly was bothering him. So, Ethan was incredibly cranky. It was nothing a little nap, some Tylenol, and some good food doesn't fix. By this afternoon, he is doing just fine and we went for a walk on this beautiful sunny 50 degree day. Does that mean spring is approaching or is mother nature teasing us? Jordan is taking advantage of the gorgeous day by taking off of work early and going for a dirt bike ride in the hills with his brother.
My great friend from college came to visit for a couple days this week and it was soooo nice to see her. We went out on Tuesday night for some delicious food and to the Rush Hockey game (thanks Jordan for watching Ethan while I had an adult night out). It was a great game. But I know I'm getting old when I get home at 9:45 pm and am ready to jump into bed.
That's the update. Here are a few pics for you to enjoy!
Surprise Visit to Mommy's Work!
My New Baseball Sleeper