Monday, November 2, 2009

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Yes, I'm aware of writing in the blog... or the lack there of. I have pics from the last few weeks but they haven't made it on here, or even onto the computer. And at this time, it kind of seems like a moot point to show them. Or maybe not. I'm sure we'll take a pic before we go to the hospital. Yes, to the hospital.


It's really coming! I've been diagnosed with gestational hypertension, or pregnancy induced high blood pressure. I've had it for the last few weeks and it's really starting to get high so they've decided it's best I deliver sooner than later. We are so excited, terrified, nervous, apprehensive, etc., etc., etc...

Plus, I've been contracting for the last 24 hours, though the contractions have finally calmed down a bit this afternoon. They were never painful, but definitely there and uncomfortable. Plus, they had pretty much been every 2-4 minutes apart since they started at 4 pm yesterday. I think they're finally about 5-10 minutes apart. Stupid braxton-hicks contractions. Sleep was almost non-existent last night for me, and Jordan slept like a baby.

That is the update! We will try and keep you informed of everything.

Please send lots of thoughts and prayers our way. I have a feeling it's going to be a very long haul!


  1. Sending many happy thoughts, prayers and love your way! Go Kimmie!!!!

  2. Hooray, hooray! So excited to hear an update whenever Mr. Marshall decides to grace us with his presence!
