Thursday, February 11, 2010

Totally Worth It

This swing that you see... totally worth it! They are not cheap swings. In fact, they are overpriced "baby" tagged items. So, we never wanted to spend the money to get it. That is until we found out how much he loved this type of swing! Our babysitter has one and she tells me stories of how he takes naps for hours in it. Now, that's hard for me to believe, until I saw it one day with my own eyes. He's a cat napper kind of guy.

We have another swing but Ethan hates it.

So, I was on the hunt for a used one of these swings. After checking craigslist and the paper, I was having no luck. After all, who really wants to spend $150 for a freaking swing???!!! But to my eyes did appear, a swing for sale at Babies R Us (online)! So, it still was not cheap. We paid $90 for it.

And now that we have it, we would have paid $500.

It's still on sale for all of you folks who are expecting in the near future! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this swing!

Just to update you on Ethan's probably RSV, he is doing ok. He had a low-grade temp last night but he is much better today. He's not eating as much so I'll have to keep my eye on that. His cough is actually a little better today and he didn't cough much at all last night. Spoke with the pediatric office yesterday and they just said that I'm looking out for the right things and if anything gets worse to bring him in.

**Update** We are going to the doctor in just a few hours. Ethan is fussy and rubbing his ears. So we'll know for sure if he has RSV... and if he has ear infections. Poor little guy.


  1. Totally agree on the swing! We bought one when Chloe was a couple of months old (and paid a lot of money!) and it was worth every penny! She slept in there for night time and naps until she was 6 1/2 months old and we moved into our house. It was great!
    Hope Ethan feels better soon!

  2. I hope Ethan feels better soon! We're glad you found the right swing for the little guy and send our love!

  3. Hei Kim, the swing does look very nice, especially with beautiful little Ethan in it.
    We hope he is feeling better and does not have RSV. Keep us posted

