Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thoughts and Prayers Needed

Nothing can prepare a person for losses. But we can thank God for life. And we've experienced this more than once this week. It makes us appreciate what we do have, for the life we live, and what can be taken away. Jordan and I have been reminded many times this week of what we can appreciate.

The OB appointment went very well and we continue to have a healthy baby and the pregnancy is going very well. Even though I have a cold, it's pretty minute compared to other situations around us.

On Thursday evening, Jordan went dirt biking with a bunch of guys and one of them was in an accident. Jordan called me right away and I was able to contact Life Flight to launch to the site. Then, I called his wife and brought her to the hospital. These are friends of ours. He was life flighted to Rapid City Regional Hospital and has sustained C-4 (the neck part of the spine) fracture with a spinal cord injury. He has no feeling or movement from the nipple line and below. As of now, he cannot grasp anything with his hands but it is still way too early to tell of his prognosis. We are praying for his health, recovery, and for the rest of his family. We ask that you do the same for you prayer warriors. They just adopted a little girl from China in December. To keep up with his status, please visit:

Then, I found out that my friend and her fiance's house burned down. She is getting married and I'm in her wedding in November. They were able to escape with the clothes on their back, their cat, and their wedding rings. Please also pray for them as they have to rebuild.

And finally, we found out a family friend's little baby girl, who was born with a heart defect, had to be life flighted to Omaha for complications. She is doing better now and they are hoping to prepare her for a second surgery for her heart defect. Her caringbridge website is:

Needless to say, we are so thankful for all of our blessings. And we are thankful that through all these tragedies, their lives were spared and any of these could have led to dire consequences. It makes me take the time to pet my dogs or cat for a little longer, rub my belly a little more, listen to the birds sing, see the colors of the scenery, or appreciate the extra 5 seconds of a hug my husband gives me. May you remember to appreciate all those large and small things in life, too.